Many programs are offered throughout the year for kids and adults. Craft, painting, computer and other classes and speakers are offered on an occasional basis for adults, kids and teens. We offer a shut-in service for those people who are unable to visit the library. For kids, we have a regular Toddler Time, Preschool Story time and occasional special story times such as Pyjama Story time. A highlight of our year is the Summer Reading Club, which is offered from June – late August each year, and is for kids from preschool to age 14. Most programs are offered free of charge. Please call us for more information on our programs.
The Melfort Public Library is a branch of the Wapiti Regional Library. Visit us to get your free library card. With your card you will be able to request materials you want by searching our online database at www.wapitilibrary.ca. Your library card also gives you access to over 35 subscription-only databases such as the Auto Repair Reference Center, Tumblebooks, Library Press Display and numerous databases of magazine and journal articles. With your library card, you can also access the collections of every public library in Saskatchewan. Library staff will be happy to show you how. Saskatchewan has a one province/one library card system, so you may also borrow and return materials at any library in the province.
Community support of the library is appreciated. We are pleased to take donations of books for our biannual book sales. Monetary donations of any amount are also accepted. Under our Double Booking program, the Melfort Telephone Pioneers organization matches donations of $50.00 or more and along with a charitable tax receipt, donors are acknowledged with a bookplate in the materials purchased.
View the Maude E. Burke Collection housed at the Melfort Library.
Please visit your public library. We're at your service!
106 Crawford Avenue West, across from the Northern Lights Palace
Melfort Public Library Hours
Monday - 10:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 9:30am - 8:00pm
Friday - 10:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday - 10:00am to 5:00pm
Phone: 306-752-2022
Box 429, Melfort, SK, S0E 1A0
Email: melcirc@wapitilibrary.ca