
Water & Sewer Services

The City of Melfort purchases high-quality potable water from the SaskWater Codette Lake regional water supply system. The primary responsibilities of the water and sewer division include potable water distribution, waste water collection and storm water management. City staff undertakes emergency repairs to the distribution and collection system as required, annual water main flushing and meter changes with programmed flushing for sanitary sewer and storm sewer lines.


Sewer & Water Distribution Inquiries: (306) 752-5911 - City Hall
Water Supply Inquiries: (306) 752-6175 - SaskWater Treatment Plant

Waterworks Provisions

The Cities Regulations, Sections 22.1 to 22.6, require the following information to be reported to the public as part of the provincial government’s safe drinking water strategy. This information is to help water consumers understand the financial status of their municipal waterworks system and the need for municipalities to establish waterworks rates that cover waterworks costs, including capital costs, and to have capital plans in place that ensure safe drinking water.

Rate Policy

Water Rates are detailed in Schedule "A" of the City of Melfort Waterworks Bylaw.

Investment Strategy

2023 Capital and Operational Budget   (Refer to section 4.1, section 5.1 and section A.4)

Financial Overview

The financial statement includes the following documents related to the City of Melfort utility operation:
    • consolidated statement of financial activities
    • statement of general utility fund equity in funded reserves
    • schedule of water and sewer utility operating fund
    • schedule of capital operations
    • schedule of reserves (utility fund)

Ratio of revenues compared to expenditures and debt payments - 2022:

 Revenues: $3,986,976 
 Expenses + Debt Payments  $3,464,589
 Ratio: =  1.15 : 1

In 2023, waterworks revenues covered 115% of the waterworks expenditures.

  • Expenditures do not include amortization of $615,236
  • Transfer to Capital Reserves:  $1,421,901

Relevant Information